Well, That'll Do I Guess: The New Ringo's World Is Live.

So, it's very late Saturday night, almost Sunday morning and I think it's ready to say, "Yep, that's done." Not that a personal website is ever really "done", well not one of mine anyway. I am always messing about with bits and bobs of webby stuff. Well, that is my job after all.

I am quite pleased with how is's turned out. I have speed learned the core aspects of Twitter Bootstrap and re-worked the whole thing in a couple of days. Obviously there are portions that I still need to do - like the commenting system and the contact page, oh and paging ... but some of these I cannot do alone, I have to beg help and co-operation from the CMS Guru McHaggis as I need files from the CMS to tweak .. and he is guards them like a hobbit guards a ring of invisibility. Plus I have to go though old posts and tweak them a bit as I've removed a lot of CSS and jQuery bits.

But, as the day roles in to Sunday morning I am happy with the site, it looks good - to me at least - and I like the responsive aspects that Bootstrap offers very much. I think I will be spending a lot of time with it in the next few months.

I have done almost no painting this week, being wrapped up as I have with re doing my own site and work in general. The point of re working the site was to start using it again in conjunction with G+ and my Channel, so I am looking forward to getting some stuff done and posting about it ..

Well, that's it, I am off to bed once this is live.